Andrew & Juliet Uchedike Foundation Rc: 7173026


A Lighthouse in the Storm

My name is Timothy in the tempest of life when all seemed lost, the Andrew & Juliet Uchedike Foundation stood as a lighthouse guiding me to safety. Their steadfast philanthropy and empathetic support

A Lifeline in Despair

My name is Faith. I am a victim of an unforeseen accident, a sudden event that resulted in significant physical harm, altering the course of my life. This accident left me in a

A Beacon of Hope

In the hushed hallways of a teeming Hospital, a place where life and hope are intertwined, I found myself grappling with existence. My name is Chinenye, and my journey was marked by trepidation

Account Details


Zenith Bank

Account Number (₦ NGN)


Account Number ($ USD)


Account Number (£ GBP)